tirsdag 1. januar 2013

20 days

I was thinking that I am going to start the new year with something that tells you a little about me, so you can get to know me a little better. I have copied this from a blog I'm following these days

♥ Day 1 - Your 3 favorite songs right now
♥ Day 2 - Something you dreading

♥ Day 3 - Something you miss
♥ Day 4 - Your worst habit
♥ Day 5 - A picture from this day
♥ Day 6 - Something you look forward to, and why
♥ Day 7 - 10 things you wish for

♥ Day 8 - A picture of you when you were little
♥ Day 9 - An artist or a band you like
♥ Day 10 - A place you want to go to right now
♥ Day 11 - Your favorite scene in a movie
♥ Day 12 - 10 things about yourself
♥ Day 13 - A song you are really sick of
♥ Day 14 - Something you never leave the house without
♥ Day 15 - Your favorite blog

♥ Day 16 - A dish you love
♥ Day 17 - A holiday you want to have again
♥ Day 18 - Something you are scared of
♥ Day 19 - Something you are never going to do
♥ Day 20 - Favorite tv series

Well,I wish everybody a happy new year, may it bring you a lot of joy.

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